November 30, 2011

Christmastime is Here!

I had some time to put my Christmas tree up, and while I was at it I figured I might as well put up the rest of my knickknacks. So that's what I did! Well, the ones I could find anyways. I'm pretty sure I have boxes of more decorations, but I can't seem to remember where I put them. I should really write myself a memo to buy some of those red and green plastic tubs that they sell during the holidays to put all of my holiday junk in. It would make things so much easier! In the meantime, I'll keep digging around and hope I come across them. I'll probably try to attempt to put up Christmas lights in the front yard some time later this week. For now, you can enjoy some of the many pictures I took of what I've accomplished today :)

PS Did anyone catch the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show? After all of the decorating, I had a big plate of spaghetti, a glass of wine, and VS Angels strutting their stuff on the tube. I think I was drooling over the girls more than my boyfriend was. They looked gorgeous! Also, after watching the show I decided that I must own a pair of sequined underwear. Not very practical and probably not the most comfortable things, but they sure are cute!

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